Content table

This table stores pages and posts

key value
id the id of the content
parent the parent content id
content_type Type of the content. Supported values are page or post,anything custom subtype Subtype of the content. Supported values are static,dynamic,post,product, anything custom
url the link to the content
title The html content saved in the database
description Description used for the content list
content The html content saved in the database
position The order position
created_by The id of the user that created the content
created_at The date of creation, supported values are any strtotime compatible date
updated_at The date of last update, supported values are any strtotime compatible date
is_active flag for published or unpublished, default is 1 or 0
is_deleted flag for deleted content, values are 0 or 1
is_home flag for homepage, values are 0 or 1
is_shop flag for shop page, values are 0 or 1
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