Framework Managers

Manager classes contain reusable logic that powers a Microweber website. They are registered at startup and bound to the Application object. You can easily access it by using the mw() function or Laravel's app() helper.


$results = mw()->database_manager->get('table=users&is_admin=0');

This results in accessing the database_manager manager class \Microweber\Providers\DatabaseManager. Next calls the get method on the manager, receiving an array of non-admin users. You can perform complex tasks with just a few functions. Exploring this document can save a lot of programming efforts.

The bindings are created in MicroweberServiceProvider. Here is a list of bound properties you can use in your code:

App Property Manager Class
attributes_manager Providers\Content\AttributesManager
cache_manager Providers\CacheManager
cart_manager Providers\Shop\CartManager
captcha Utils\Captcha
category_manager Providers\CategoryManager
checkout_manager Providers\Shop\CheckoutManager
config_manager Providers\ConfigurationManager
content_manager Providers\ContentManager
content_manager_crud Providers\Content\ContentManagerCrud
content_manager_helpers Providers\Content\ContentManagerHelpers
data_fields_manager Providers\Content\DataFieldsManager
database_manager Providers\DatabaseManager
email_notifications_manager Providers\EmailNotificationsManager
event_manager Providers\Event
fields_manager Providers\FieldsManager
format Utils\Format
forms_manager Providers\FormsManager
layouts_manager Providers\LayoutsManager
log_manager Providers\LogManager
media_manager Providers\MediaManager
modules Providers\Modules
notifications_manager Providers\NotificationsManager
option_manager Providers\OptionManager
order_manager Providers\Shop\OrderManager
shop_manager Providers\ShopManager
tax_manager Providers\Shop\TaxManager
template Providers\Template
template_manager Providers\TemplateManager
ui Providers\Ui
url_manager Providers\UrlManager
user_manager Providers\UserManager


Stores and manages arbitrary data in cache for faster data access.


  • clear()

Clears all cache data.

  • debug()

Prints cache debug information.

  • delete($cache_group = 'global')

Deletes cache for given $cache_group recursively.

  • get($cache_id, $cache_group = 'global', $timeout = false)

Get data from cache. Returns false if data is not found.


$data = mw()->cache->get('my_cache_id', 'my_cache_group');
  • save($data_to_cache, $cache_id, $cache_group = 'global', $expiration = false)

Store custom data in cache.


$data = array('something' => 'some_value');
$cache_content = mw()->cache->save($data, 'my_cache_id', 'my_cache_group');


Manage taxonomy entities in your website. You can use categories for content or have them service your custom data.


  • delete($data)

See: delete_category.

  • delete_item($data)

  • get($params)

See: get_categories.

  • get_by_id($id = 0, $by_field_name = 'id')

Get a single row from the categories table by given ID and returns it as one dimensional array.

See: get_category_by_id.

  • get_by_slug($slug)

  • get_category_id_from_url($url = false)

  • get_children($parent_id = 0, $type = false, $visible_on_frontend = false)

  • get_for_content($content_id, $data_type = 'categories')

  • get_items($params, $data_type = 'categories')

Gets category items.

  • get_items_count($id, $rel_type = false)

Gets category items count.

  • get_page($category_id)

Returns the page for given category.

See: get_page_for_category.

$category_page = mw()->category_manager->get_page(420);
echo $category_page['title'];
  • get_parents($id = 0, $without_main_parrent = false, $data_type = 'category')

Returns an array of parent categories.

  • html_tree($parent, $link = false, $active_ids = false, $active_code = false, $remove_ids = false, $removed_ids_code = false, $ul_class_name = false, $include_first = false, $content_type = false, $li_class_name = false, $add_ids = false, $orderby = false, $only_with_content = false, $visible_on_frontend = false, $depth_level_counter = 0, $max_level = false, $list_tag = false, $list_item_tag = false, $active_code_tag = false, $ul_class_deep = false, $only_ids = false)

Prints the selected categories as an <ul> tree. You can pass several options for more flexibility.

  • link($id)

Returns URL to given category.

See: category_link.


echo '<a href="' . mw()->category_manager->link(420) . '">List category #420</a>';
  • reorder($data)

  • save($data, $preserve_cache = false)

See: save_category.

  • save_item($params)

  • tree($params = false)

Prints nested tree of categories and sub-categories.

See: category_tree.


$params = array(
    'parent' => 0, // parent category ID
    'link' => '<a href="{link}" id="category-{id}">{title}</a>', // sets the list item content 
    'active_ids' => array(5, 6), // IDs of active categories 
    'active_code' => 'active', // inserts this code for the active IDs 
    'remove_ids' => array(1, 2), // remove given caregory IDs 
    'include_first' => false, // if true will include the root category 
    'add_ids' => array(10, 11), // if given array of IDs will add them to the category tree
    'orderby' => array('position', 'asc'), // you can order by any field
    'list_tag' => 'ul', 
    'list_item_tag' => 'li',
    'ul_class' => 'main-category',
    'li_class' => 'sub-category'
echo mw()->category_manager->tree($params);


This manager allows for access to configuration. You can store the configuration to persist changes made in runtime.


mw()->config_manager->set('my_key', 'new_value');

This will result in loading the new value on new requests from then on.


  • get($key)

Get configuration value. You can use dotted.notation to access nested keys.

  • set($key, $val)

Set configuration value. This is covered in more detail here.

  • save()

Store current configuration values in persistent storage.


This class allows you to manage content such as posts, pages, products or your own custom types.


  • attributes($content_id)

  • breadcrumb($params = false)

  • custom_fields($content_id, $full = true, $field_type = false)

  • data($content_id)

Get data fields for content with given ID.

  • define_constants($content = false)

Defines all constants that are needed to parse the page layout. Accepts array or $content that must have $content['id'] set.

Constant Description
CATEGORY_ID Current category ID, if any.
CONTENT_ID Current post or page ID.
DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_DIR Path to the site's default template.
DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_URL URL of the site's default template.
MAIN_PAGE_ID Parent page ID.
PAGE_ID Current page ID.
POST_ID Current post ID.
  • edit_field($data, $debug = false)

  • get($params = false)

Get array of content items from the database. Any table column name works as parameter to filter or order content by. Parameters can be passed as string or array.

  • get_by_id($id)

Get single content item by ID from the content table.

  • get_by_url($url = '', $no_recursive = false)

  • get_children($id = 0, $without_main_parrent = false)

  • get_data($params = false)

Get data fields.

  • get_inherited_parent($content_id)

Get the first parent that has layout.

  • get_page($id = 0)

Get single content item by id from the content table.

See: get_content.

  • get_pages($params = false)

  • get_parents($id = 0, $without_main_parrent = false)

  • get_posts($params = false)

  • get_products($params = false)

  • homepage()

Returns the homepage as array.

  • lang_current()

Get the current language of the site. Defines the MW_LANG constant.

  • lang_set($lang = 'en')

Set the current language.

  • link($id = 0)

Gets a link for given content id. If you don't pass id parameter it will try to use the current page id.

See: post_link(), page_link(), content_link().

  • next_content($content_id = false, $mode = 'next', $content_type = false)

  • pages_tree($parent = 0, $link = false, $active_ids = false, $active_code = false, $remove_ids = false, $removed_ids_code = false, $ul_class_name = false, $include_first = false)

Print nested tree of pages. The shorthand function for this is pages_tree.

Example returning <select> with <option>:

    'link' => '{title}',
    'list_tag' => ' ',
    'list_item_tag' => 'option',
    'active_ids' => $data['parent'],
    'active_code_tag' => ' selected="selected" ',
    'ul_class' => 'nav',
    'li_class' => 'nav-item'

Parameters can be used to set a 'parent' ID, 'id_prefix' or 'include_first' which sets whether to include the parent in the tree.

  • paging($params)

Returns HTML string with <ul>/<li> pagination.

Parameters ($params) can have the following keys: num (default 5), limit (default 0), class, li_class, paging_param, current_page, display (default is 'default').

If $params['display'] is false returns the paging array instead It's the same as $posts_pages_links in template scope.

  • paging_links($base_url = false, $pages_count, $paging_param = 'curent_page', $keyword_param = 'keyword')

  • prev_content($content_id = false)

  • reorder($params)

  • save($data, $delete_the_cache = true)

  • save_content($data, $delete_the_cache = true)

  • save_content_admin($data, $delete_the_cache = true)

  • save_content_data_field($data, $delete_the_cache = true)

  • save_content_field($data, $delete_the_cache = true)

  • save_edit($post_data)

  • set_published($params)

Set content to be published. Switches the is_active flag to 'y'. Returns the URL of the content.

  • set_table_names($tables = false)

Sets the database table names used by the class. Table names are set with keys attributes, categories, categories_items, content, content_data, content_fields, content_fields_drafts, custom_fields, media, menus.


  • set_unpublished($params)

Set content to be unpublished. Switches the is_active flag to 'n'. Returns the URL of the content. Also see content_set_unpublished().

  • site_templates()

  • title($id)


Exposes a simple abstract way to interface persistent storage.


  • $use_cache Flag that determines whether or not query caching should be used to speed up data access.


  • delete_by_id($table, $id = 0, $field_name = 'id')

Deletes item by ID from database table. You can set custom column to delete by, using the $field_name argument.

  • get($table, $params = null)

Get items from the database. Returns array with data or false. Alternatively returns an integer if page_count is set.

  • get_by_id($table, $id = 0, $field_name = 'id')

Get full table row by ID. You can set custom column to select by, using the $field_name argument.


$results = mw()->database_manager->get('table=content&is_active=1');

See: db_get.

  • last_id($table)

Get last inserted ID from a table, you must have 'id' column in it.

  • q($q, $silent = false)

Execute raw query.

  • query($q, $cache_id = false, $cache_group = 'global', $only_query = false, $connection_settings = false)

Executes plain query in the database. Returns an array of results or false if nothing is found.

Make sure your query arguments are escaped before calling this function.

  • save($table, $data = false, $data_to_save_options = false)

Generic save function, stores data to the database. Returns the ID of the saved row.

  • table($table)

Returns a QueryBuilder instance for table with the given name.


Manages custom fields.


  • decode_array_vals($it)

  • delete($id)

  • get($table, $id = 0, $return_full = false, $field_for = false, $debug = false, $field_type = false, $for_session = false)

  • get_all($params)

  • get_by_id($field_id)

  • get_value($content_id, $field_name, $return_full = false, $table = 'content')

  • get_values($custom_field_id)

  • make_default($rel, $rel_id, $fields_csv_str)

  • make_field($field_id = 0, $field_type = 'text', $settings = false)

  • make($field_id = 0, $field_type = 'text', $settings = false)

  • names_for_table($table)

  • reorder($data)

  • save($data)

  • unify_params($data)


Handy reusable logic for web forms.


  • countries_list($full = false)

  • delete_entry($data)

  • delete_list($data)

  • export_to_excel($params)

  • get_entires($params)

  • get_lists($params)

  • post($params)

  • save_list($params)

  • states_list($country = false)


Useful functions to work with layouts.


  • add_external($arr)

  • delete_all()

  • get($params = false)

  • get_all($options = false)

Lists the layout files from a given directory. Returns array of layouts with description, icon, etc.

You can use this function to get layouts from various folders in your web server. Caches the result in the 'templates' cache group.

If $options['path'] is set the method will look for layouts in the given folder.

If $options['get_dynamic_layouts'] is set get_all will scan for templates for the 'layout' module in all template folders.

  • get_link($options = false)

  • save($data_to_save)

  • scan($options = false)

See above. Performs the actual scan.

  • template_check_for_custom_css($template_name, $check_for_backup = false)

  • template_remove_custom_css($params)

  • template_save_css($params)


Helpful functions for log messages and managing existing entries.


  • delete($params)

  • delete_entry($data)

  • get($params)

  • get_entry_by_id($id)

  • reset()

  • save($params)


Class that powers working with uploaded pictures, video and other user content.


  • $download_remote_images

  • $no_cache Boolean that indicates the usage of cache while making queries. Default value is false.

  • $table_prefix Sets a prefix for database table names.


  • base64_to_file($data, $target)

  • create_media_dir($params)

  • delete($data)

  • delete_media_file($params)

  • get($params)

  • get_all($params)

  • get_by_id($id)

  • get_first_image_from_html($html)

  • get_picture($content_id, $for = 'content', $full = false)

  • pixum($width = 150, $height = false)

  • pixum_img()

  • relative_media_start_path()

  • reorder($data)

  • save($data)

  • thumbnail($src, $width = 200, $height = 200)

  • thumbnail_img($params)

  • thumbnails_path()

  • upload($data)

  • upload_progress_check()


Utility functions to work with website menus.


  • $no_cache Boolean that indicates the usage of cache while making queries. Default value is false.


  • get_menu($params = false)

  • get_menu_items($params = false)

  • get_menus($params = false)

  • menu_create($data_to_save)

  • menu_delete($id = false)

  • menu_item_delete($id = false)

  • menu_item_get($id)

  • menu_item_save($data_to_save)

  • menu_items_reorder($data)

  • menu_tree($menu_id, $maxdepth = false)

  • is_in_menu($menu_id = false, $content_id = false)


Utility class to aid working with Microweber modules.


  • $current_module

  • $current_module_params

  • $table_prefix Sets a prefix for database table names.

  • $ui


  • css_class($module_name)

  • delete_all()

  • delete_module($id)

  • exists($module_name)

  • get($params = false)

  • get_modules($params)

See get().

  • get_modules_from_current_site_template()

  • set_table_names($tables = false)

Sets the database table names used by the class. Table names are set with keys elements, module_templates, modules, options, system_licenses.

  • info($module_name)

  • install()

  • scan($options = false)

See scan_for_modules().

  • scan_for_modules($options = false)

  • save($data_to_save)

  • locate($module_name, $custom_view = false, $no_fallback_to_view = false)

  • ui($name, $arr = false)

  • load($module_name, $attrs = array())

  • license($module_name = false)

  • templates($module_name, $template_name = false, $get_settings_file = false)

  • url($module_name = false)

  • path($module_name)

See dir().

  • dir($module_name)

  • is_installed($module_name)

  • reorder_modules($data)

  • icon_with_title($module_name, $link = true)

  • uninstall($params)

  • set_installed($params)

  • update_db()

  • get_saved_modules_as_template($params)

  • delete_module_as_template($data)

  • save_module_as_template($data_to_save)

  • scan_for_elements($options = array())


Functions to manage notifications.


  • delete($id)

  • delete_for_module($module)

  • get($params = false)

  • get_by_id($id)

  • mark_all_as_read()

  • mark_as_read($module)

  • read($id)

  • save($params)



Class for working with website options.


  • $adapters_dir

  • $options_memory Internal array to hold options in cache.

  • $override_memory Array to hold options values that are not persistent in database and changed on runtime.

  • $table_prefix Sets a prefix for database table names.


  • delete($key, $option_group = false, $module_id = false)

  • get($key, $option_group = false, $return_full = false, $orderby = false, $module = false)

Get options from the database.

If you pass an array as the $key argument the function will replace the database params. If $return_full is true the whole row will be returned as array rather than just the value. Set the $module argument to store and option for given module.


mw()->option_manager->get('my_key', 'my_group');
  • get_all($params = '')

  • get_by_id($id)

  • get_groups($is_system = false)

  • get_items_per_page($group = 'website')

  • save($data)

You can use this function to store options in the database. $data can be array or string.


    'option_value' => 'my value',
    'option_key' => 'my_option',
    'option_group' => 'my_option_group'
  • set_default($data)

  • set_table_names($tables = false)

Sets the database table name used by the class. Table name is set with key options.

The function also defines corresponding constant MW_DB_TABLE_OPTIONS.

  • override($option_group, $key, $value)


Encapsulates logic for interacting with the website shop.


  • $no_cache Boolean that indicates the usage of cache while making queries. Default value is false.

  • $table_prefix Sets a prefix for database table names.


  • after_checkout($order_id, $suppress_output = true)

  • cart_sum($return_amount = true)

  • cart_total()

  • checkout($data)

  • checkout_confirm_email_test($params)

  • checkout_ipn($data)

See CheckoutManager.

  • checkout_url()

  • confirm_email_send($order_id, $to = false, $no_cache = false, $skip_enabled_check = false)

  • currency_get_for_paypal()

  • currency_convert_rate($from, $to)

  • currency_format($amount, $curr = false)

  • currency_symbol($curr = false, $key = 3)

  • currency_get()

  • delete_client($data)

  • delete_order($data)

See OrderManager.

  • domain_name($domainb)

  • empty_cart()

  • esip($ip_addr)

  • get_cart($params = false)

  • get_domain_from_str($address)

  • get_order_by_id($id = false)

  • get_orders($params = false)

  • order_items($order_id = false)

  • payment_options($option_key = false)

  • place_order($place_order)

  • remove_cart_item($data)

  • set_table_names($tables = false)

Sets the database table names used by the class. Table name is set with keys cart, cart_orders, cart_shipping, cart_taxes.

  • update_cart_item_qty($data)

  • update_cart($data)

  • update_order($params = false)

See save().

  • update_quantities($order_id = false)

Remove quantity from product. On completed order this function deducts the product quantities. Returns boolean indicating successfull update.


Class that manages website templates.


  • directory_map($source_dir, $directory_depth = 0, $hidden = false, $full_path = false)

Reads the specified directory and builds an array representation. Subfolders contained with the directory will be mapped as well.

For $directory_depth 0 means fully recursive, 1 only includes the current directory, etc.

  • get_styles()

  • site_templates($options = false)

Get the template layouts info under the layouts subdirectory of your active template.

For $options['type'] the default is 'layout'. You can define your own types as post/form, etc in the layout.txt file.


Functions that are used to build parts of the website user interface.


  • $admin_logo

  • $admin_logo_login

  • $admin_logo_login_link

  • $brand_name

  • $custom_fields

  • $custom_support_url

  • $disable_marketplace

  • $disable_powered_by_link

  • $enable_service_links

  • $logo_live_edit

  • $marketplace_access_code

  • $marketplace_provider_id

  • $modules_ui

  • $powered_by_link


  • admin_logo()

  • admin_logo_login()

  • brand_name()

  • create_content_menu()

  • custom_fields()

  • defaults()

  • live_edit_logo()

  • module($name = false, $arr = false)

  • powered_by_link()


Provides a set of functions to manage Microweber updates.


  • $skip_cache default value is false.


  • apply_updates($params)


  • apply_updates_queue()

  • browse()

  • call($method = false, $post_params = false)

  • check($skip_cache = false)


  • collect_local_data()

  • composer_get_required()

  • composer_merge($composer_patch_path)

  • composer_replace_vendor_from_cache()

  • composer_run()


  • composer_save_package($params)

  • get_licenses($params = false)

  • get_modules()

  • get_templates()

  • http()

Returns a new instance of \Microweber\Utils\Http.

  • http_build_query_for_curl($arrays, &$new = array(), $prefix = null)

  • install_from_market($item)


  • install_element($module_name)

  • install_market_item($params)

  • install_module($module_name)


  • install_version($new_version)

  • marketplace_link($params = false)

  • marketplace_admin_link($params = false)

  • post_update($version = false)

  • save_license($params)

  • send_anonymous_server_data($params = false)

  • set_updates_queue($params = false)

  • validate_license($params = false)


Class defining handy URL-related utility logic.


  • $current_url_var Full path URL of the current request

  • $site_url_var URL of the website.


  • api_link($str = '')

  • current($skip_ajax = false, $no_get = false)

Returns the current URL as a string. If $no_get is true will remove the params after '?'.

  • download($requestUrl, $post_params = false, $save_to_file = false)

  • hostname()

  • is_ajax()

Returns true if the current request is made via AJAX.

  • link_to_file($path)

  • param($param, $skip_ajax = false, $force_url = false)

  • param_set($param, $value = false, $url = false)

  • param_unset($param, $url = false)

  • params($skip_ajax = false)

See below. Calls param() with '__MW_GET_ALL_PARAMS__' argument.

  • redirect($url)

  • replace_site_url($arr)

  • replace_site_url_back($arr)

  • segment($num = -1, $page_url = false)

Returns single URL segment. $num is the index of the segment. If $page_url is false it will use the current URL.

  • set($url = false)

  • set_current($url = false)

  • site($add_string = false)

  • site_url($add_string = false)

  • string($skip_ajax = false)

Returns the current url path, does not include the domain name. If $skip_ajax is true will try to get the referring URL from XHR request. Returns the URL string.

  • segments($page_url = false)

Returns all URL segments as array. If $page_url is false will use the current URL.

  • slug($text)

  • to_path($path)


Manage website users.


  • admin_access()

Stops script execution and outputs 'You must be logged as admin'.

  • after_register($user_id, $suppress_output = true)

  • api_login($api_key = false)

  • attributes($user_id = false)

  • count()

  • csrf_form($unique_form_name = false)

  • csrf_token($unique_form_name = false)

  • csrf_validate(&$data)

  • data_fields($user_id = false)

  • delete($data)

  • forgot_password_url()

  • get($params = false)

  • get_all($params)

Returns an array of users. You can pass $params either as array or string. Set filter keys like 'username', 'email' or 'password'.

See: get_users.

  • get_by_id($id)

Generic function to get the user by ID. Uses the getUsers function to get the data. Returns an array.

  • get_by_username($username)

  • hash_pass($pass)

  • id()

  • is_admin()

  • is_logged()

  • login($params)

Allows you to login a user into the system. Also sets user session when the user is logged. On 5 unsuccessful logins, blocks the IP for few minutes.

You can pass $params as string or array. You can set credentials using $params['email'] and $params['password'], which is passed through hash_pass() function. In case you have pre-hashed password you can use $params['password_hashed'] instead.


$result = mw()->user_manager->login(array('email' => '', 'password' => '********'));
if(isset($result['error'])) {
    echo $result['error'];
} else if(isset($result['success'])) {
    echo $result['success'];
  • login_set_failed_attempt()

  • login_url()

  • logout($params = false)

Returns true on success.

  • logout_url()

  • make_logged($user_id)

  • name($user_id = false, $mode = 'full')

Gets the user's full name. If $user_id is false the curent user will be used. $mode can be one of the following: full, first, last, username.

  • nice_name($id, $mode = 'full')

Function to get user printable name by given ID.

  • picture($user_id = false)

  • register($params)

  • register_email_send($user_id = false)

  • register_url()

  • reset_password_from_link($params)

  • save($params)

Stores user information in the database. By default applies security rules. If you are admin you can save any user in the system, otherwise you must post param id with the current user ID.

$params['id'] = $user_id;
$params['is_active'] = 1; // default is 'n'

For security reasons, to create a new user please use user_register() (requires captcha) or write your own save_user wrapper function that calls mw_var('force_save_user', true) and pass its params to save_user().


$upd = array(
    'id' => 1,
    'email' => $params['new_email'],
    'password' => $params['passwordhash']
// Create new user or foce save. Skips ID check and is admin check.
mw_var('force_save_user', true);
// Skips password hash function and saves password as is. It's up you to ensure the password is hashed.
mw_var('save_user_no_pass_hash', true);
$is_saved = save_user($upd);
  • send_forgot_password($params)

  • session_all()

Returns all data stored in the current user session.

  • session_del($name)

  • session_end()

  • session_get($name)

Get value stored in the session.

  • session_id()

Returns the ID of the user session.

  • session_set($name, $val)

  • set_table_names($tables = false)

Sets the database table names used by the class. Table name is set with keys log and users.

  • social_login($params)

  • social_login_process($params = false)

  • socialite_config($provider = false)

  • update_last_login_time()


Manage content attributes.


  • get($data = false)

  • get_values($params)

Calls get and returns results as associative array.

  • save($data)


Helper function to abstract content CRUD (data access) operations.


  • $no_cache Boolean that indicates the usage of cache while making queries. Default value is false.

  • static $precached_links

  • static $skip_pages_starting_with_url = ['admin', 'api', 'module']


  • get($params = false)

  • get_by_url($url = '', $no_recursive = false)

  • get_edit_field($data, $debug = false)


    $data['rel_type'] can be content, page, post, product or any custom type.




  • map_params_to_schema($params)

  • reorder($params)

  • save($data, $delete_the_cache = true)

  • set_table_names($tables = false)

Sets the database table names used by the class. Table name is set with keys attributes, categories, categories_items, content, content_data, content_fields, content_fields_drafts, custom_fields, media, menus.



Functions to help working with content on the website.


  • add_content_to_menu($content_id, $menu_id = false)

  • bulk_assign($data)

  • create_default_content($what)

  • copy($data)

  • delete($data)

  • download_remote_images_from_text($text)

  • get_edit_field_draft($data)

  • reset_edit_field($data)

  • save_content_field($data, $delete_the_cache = true)

  • save_from_live_edit($post_data)


Class defining utilities for managing website data fields.


  • get_values($params)

  • save($data)

    $data['content_id'] $data['field_name'] $data['field_value'] $data['id'] $data['rel_id'] $data['rel_type']


Abstract interface for database CRUD (data access) operations.

$crud = new \Microweber\Providers\Database\Crud();
$crud->table = 'my_table';

See: DatabaseManager.


  • $table name of the table this class manages.


  • delete($data)

  • get($params)

  • get_by_id($id = 0, $field_name = 'id')

  • has_permission($params)

  • save($params)

  • table()

Returns a QueryBuilder instance of the class table.


Abstract interface for database user-related CRUD (data access) operations.

Extends Database/Crud. Performs additional checks on overloaded methods.


  • delete($data)

Checks for ID and permissions.

  • get($params)

Checks for active user session and returns content only authored by the user.

  • save($params)

Checks for ID and permissions.


Utilities for working with the database.


  • $cache_minutes = 60

  • $default_limit = 30

  • $table_fields


  • add_table_index($aIndexName, $aTable, $aOnColumns, $indexmeta = false)

  • assoc_table_name($assoc_name)

Removes prefix from given string.

  • build_table($table_name, $fields_to_add, $use_cache = false)

  • build_tables($tables)

  • clean_input($input)

Strips given string off XSS and malicious parts.

  • escape_string($value)

Escapes a string to avoid SQL injection.

  • get_fields($table)

Gets all column names from database table.

  • get_prefix()

Returns website table prefix.

  • get_sql_engine()

Returns an identifier of the website database configuration, i.e. mysql, sqlite, etc...

  • get_table_ddl($full_table_name)

Returns table CREATE statement for given database table.

  • get_tables_list()

Returns list of tables in the website database.

  • import_sql_file($full_path_to_file)

Imports a SQL file in the website database.

  • map_array_to_table($table, $array)

Filters an array only keeping keys that are valid table column names.


$table = $this->table_prefix . 'content';
$data = array('id' => 1, 'non_ex' => 'i do not exist and will be removed');
$criteria = $this->map_array_to_table($table, $array);
  • query_log()

Returns a log of performed database queries for diagnostics.

  • real_table_name($assoc_name)

Ensures table prefix for given table name.

  • remove_comments_from_sql_string($output)

Strips comment lines of given SQL string.

  • remove_sql_remarks($sql)

Removes remarks (#) of given SQL string.

  • split_sql_file($sql, $delimiter)

Splits given SQL string in parts without breaking SQL statements.

  • update_position_field($table, $data = array())


Functions for working with user cart contents.


  • delete_cart($params)

    session_id, order_id

  • empty_cart()

  • get($params = false)

  • get_by_order_id($order_id = false)

  • get_tax()

  • recover_cart($sid = false, $ord_id = false)

  • remove_item($data)

  • sum($return_amount = true)

  • table_name()

  • total()

  • update_cart($data)

  • update_item_qty($data)


Powers checkout functionality for website orders.


  • after_checkout($order_id, $suppress_output = true)

  • checkout($data)

$data is an array of details needed for checkout with keys: address, address2, city, country, email, first_name, last_name, payment_address, payment_city, payment_country, payment_email, payment_gw, payment_name, payment_state, payment_zip, phone, promo_code, state, zip.

Returns an array of an error or success key with corresponding message.

  • checkout_ipn($data)

  • confirm_email_send($order_id, $to = false, $no_cache = false, $skip_enabled_check = false)

  • domain_name($domainb)

  • esip($ip_addr)

  • get_domain_from_str($address)

  • payment_options($option_key = false)


Manage shop orders.


  • delete_order($data)

  • export_orders()

Returns array('success' => 'Your file has been exported!', 'download' => $download) where $download is an array with the following keys:

'id', 'created_at', 'created_at', 'amount', 'transaction_id', 'shipping', 'currency', 'is_paid',
'user_ip', 'last_name', 'email', 'country', 'city', 'state', 'zip', 'address', 'phone', 'payment_gw',
'order_status', 'taxes_amount', 'cart', 'transaction_id'
  • get($params = false)

  • get_by_id($id = false)

  • get_items($order_id = false)

  • place_order($place_order)

  • save($params = false)


Manage tax information used in the website shop.


  • calculate($sum)

Returns the tax that has to be added to a given order total.

  • delete_by_id($data)

  • get($params)

  • save($params)
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