SQL Schema

Description of some default tables that are created on install.

You can use the db_get, db_save and db_delete functions to work with data from those tables.

You can also create and use custom database tables.

Read more about making custom tables here.

Content table

This table stores pages and posts

Use the get_content, save_content or delete_content functions to work with data from the content table.

$data = db_get("table=content")

key value
id the id of the content
parent the parent content id
url the link to the content
title The html content saved in the database
description Description used for the content list
content The html content saved in the database
content_type Type of the content. Supported values are page or post,anything custom
subtype Subtype of the content. Supported values are static,dynamic,post,product, anything custom
position The order position
is_active flag for published or unpublished, default is 1 or 0
is_deleted flag for deleted content, values are 0 or 1
is_home flag for homepage, values are 0 or 1
is_shop flag for shop page, values are 0 or 1
active_site_template indicates the current template
layout_file indicates the content layout
require_login flag if the content requires login to view, values are 0 or 1
subtype_value field to use for custom content processing
custom_type field to use for custom content processing
custom_type_value field to use for custom content processing
content_meta_title Meta title of the content
content_meta_keywords Meta keywords of the content
content_meta_title Meta title of the content
created_by The id of the user that created the content
updated_at The date of last update, supported values are any strtotime compatible date
created_at The date of creation, supported values are any strtotime compatible date

Categories table

This table stores categories

Use the get_categories, save_category or delete_category functions to work with data from the categories table.

$data = db_get("table=categories")

key value
id the id of the category
rel_type the type of items in the category, for example content relates to the content table
rel_id the related item id from the rel_type parameter
created_at The date of creation, supported values are any strtotime compatible date
updated_at The date of last update, supported values are any strtotime compatible date
created_by The id of the user that created the category
edited_by The id of the user that changed the category
parent_id the id of the category parent, default is 0
title the title of the category
description the description of the category
content the html text of the category
position order of the category

Categories Items table

It contains the associated items for each category

$data = db_get("table=categories_items")

key value
id the id of the association
rel_type the related database table
rel_id the related ID of the related database table
parent_id The id of the parent category

Options table

It contains global and custom settings

Use the get_option and save_option to work with the options.

$data = db_get("table=options")

key value
id the id of the option
option_key key for option
option_value value for the associated option_key
option_group custom option group

Media table

It contains media associated with content from another database table

Use the get_media, save_media or delete_media functions to work with data from the media table.

$data = db_get("table=media")

key value
id the id of the option
rel_type the related database table, ex. content,users,categories
rel_id the related ID of the related database table
created_at The date of creation, supported values are any strtotime compatible date
updated_at The date of last update, supported values are any strtotime
created_by The id of the user that created the category
edited_by The id of the user that changed the category
session_id The session_id of the last edit
media_type type of media ex. picture, video, audio, file, anything custom
position order of the category
title the title of the media
description the description of the media
filename full or relative url path
embed_code custom embed_code for external media content

Custom fields table

It contains custom fields associated with items from another database table

Use the get_custom_fields, save_custom_field or delete_custom_field functions to work with data from the custom fields table.

$data = db_get("table=custom_fields")

key value
id the id of the field
rel_type the related database table, ex. content,users,categories
rel_id the related ID of the related database table
created_at The date of creation, supported values are any strtotime compatible date
updated_at The date of last update, supported values are any strtotime
created_by The id of the user that created the category
edited_by The id of the user that changed the category
name the name of the field
name_key lowercase value of the name field, also spaces are replaced with -
position order of the field
type type of the field

Cart table

It contains items added to the cart

Use the update_cart, get_cart, empty_cart or cart_sum functions to work with items in the shopping cart.

key value
id the id of the record
rel_type the related database table, ex. content
rel_id the related ID of the related database table
created_at The date of creation, supported values are any strtotime compatible date
updated_at The date of last update, supported values are any strtotime
created_by The id of the user that created the category
session_id The session id of theu ser that added this item to the cart
title the title of the item added
qty quantity of the item in the cart
price price for single item
currency 3 letter currency code, ex: usd, gpb, eur
other_info a text field for custom info
custom_fields_data field, which holds a custom fields data associated with the cart item
order_completed flag that indicated if this cart's order is made , values are 0 or 1
order_id id with the associated order from the cart_orders table
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