
save_custom_field — Add custom field to content


save_custom_field(array $data_to_save)


This function adds custom field to product or content.


$my_product_id = 3;

$custom_field = array(
            'field_name' => 'My price',
            'field_value' => 10,
            'field_type' => 'price',
            'content_id' => $my_product_id);

//adding a custom field "price" to product
$new_id = save_custom_field($custom_field);
print($new_id); // prints the id of the new field 

Adding more fields

$my_product_id = 3;
$custom_field = array(
            'field_name' => 'Size',
            'field_value' => array('S', 'M', 'L', 'XL'),
            'field_type' => 'radio',
            'content_id' => $my_product_id);

//adding a custom field "Size" to product
$new_id = save_custom_field($custom_field);
print($new_id); // prints the id of the new field 

$custom_field = array(
            'field_name' => 'Color',
            'field_value' => array('Red', 'Blue', 'Green'),
            'field_type' => 'dropdown',
            'content_id' => $my_product_id);

//adding a custom field "Color" to product
$new_id =  save_custom_field($custom_field);
print($new_id); // prints the id of the new field 

Edit custom field

$custom_field = array(
            'id' => 4, //set the id of the field to update
            'field_name' => 'My new price',
            'field_value' => 10,
            'field_type' => 'price'

//updates a custom field  
$id = save_custom_field($custom_field);
print($id); // prints the id of the field 
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