
Get the pages of your website



The get_pages() function is used in Microweber to get the pages from the database and return them as array.

It's a wrapper to the get_content function.

Using it you can filter the pages by criteria and access all data related to it.

It takes a array or sting as parameter and returns the database records for the content.

By default get_pages() works with predefined content type "page", but you can use it to get any content type.

Return Values

Array with the page data or false if the no results are found


$content = get_pages();

foreach ($content as $item) {
    print "Title: " . $item['title']."</br>";
    print "The id is " . $item['id']."</br>";
    print "Link: " . $item['url']."</br>";
    print "Description: " . $item['description']."</br>";
    print "Date created: " . $item['created_at']."</br>";
    // print_r($item)."</br>";

Return Values

Returns array if results are found of false

Params as array or string

You can pass parameters as string or as array. Those parameters are with the same names as the fields in the content database table

Parameters as string
$content = get_pages("is_active=1");
Parameters as array
$params =  array("is_active"=>1);
$content = get_pages($params);


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