
save_content — Saves content in the database


save_content(array $data_to_save)


This function inserts and updates posts and pages in the database. It takes an string or array as argument and returns the content id of the saved item. It does not provide any user validation and permissions validation.

Return Values

Integer with the saved content id or false if the content is not saved

Params and Database fields

You use those fields to store and structure your content

key value
id Content ID
parent ID of parent page
content_type Type of the content. Supported values are page, post or any custom value
subtype Subtype of the content. Supported values are static, dynamic, post, product or any custom value
url The URL to the content
title Title of the content
description Description used for content listing
content The HTML content saved in the database
position The order position. Smaller numbers mean the content is given more priority
category ID or list of IDs of categories that should be associated with the content. You can also pass strings instead of IDs which will be treated as category names that will be found or created.
created_by ID of the user who created the content
created_at The date of creation, supported values are any strtotime compatible date
updated_at The date of last update, supported values are any strtotime compatible date
images Array of image URLs to be associated with the content.
download_remote_images Flag to allow downloading images from remote URLs. Defaults to 0, which only creates a link.
is_active Published/unpublished flag, default is 1.
is_deleted Flag for deleted content, values are 0 or 1
is_home Flag for homepage, values are 0 or 1
is_shop Flag for shop page, values are 0 or 1

See all database fields


Save new content item

$data_to_save = array(); 
$data_to_save['id'] = 0; 
$data_to_save['title'] = 'My title'; 
$data_to_save['content'] = 'My content body'; 
$data_to_save['content_type'] = 'page';   
$new_id = save_content($data_to_save);

print($new_id); // prints the id of the new content 

Update content

$data_to_save = array(); 
$data_to_save['id'] = 8; //if you set id the content will be updated 
$data_to_save['title'] = 'My new title';  
$new_id = save_content($data_to_save); 
print ($new_id); // prints the id of the saved content (ex.8) 
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